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Quardle is a word puzzle game that competes against each other and can fight to win, fill your opponent's word column with your letters first, a title similar to the traditional quordle you played but with more intense competition. Quardle has Othello-like pieces. You must block your opponent's move so that they cannot complete their word or phrase.
The Rules of Squardle
Enter a five-letter English word and press the enter key to join in. A question entered will appear in a row and a column. There will also be hints given for every square that has been finished. Hints are contained in the squares of a specific hue. We've included their definitions here for your convenience.
Ten first guesses are given to you. For every word in the first five that you have filled in every space, you will receive a free guess. You win if you can solve all six clues! The important thing to keep in mind is that, whether or not guesses were made, the word is deemed solved when all of its letters turn green. The last moments of a game are displayed off to the left. The last estimate that turns the final two gray squares into green for a successful result seems to be CUBIC.
When playing Weekly Squardle, you will only ever need to guess in the one row or column where you are missing any green letters. Using this strategy, you won't have to guess each word's remaining square one at a time and run the danger of throwing off your excellent start.
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