
Evil Wordle

You tried the Evil Wordle version? Wordle-inspired, but with fresh and original gameplay. The computer produces a unique rendition of the word "correct" for each guess.Therefore, if you predict the letter on the first try, the AI must include your correctly guessed letter to the next word it generates. This game is excellent for increasing your vocabulary because it is a more difficult version of Wordle.

How to play
Like in any other Wordle game, the first step in playing Evil Wordle is to enter a random five-letter word. However, unlike Wordle, users are not constrained to a predefined list of words. Instead, user predictions are used to look for answers that match the pattern of phrases that have already been answered. According to the website for this word game, the goal is to maximize guesses, therefore the number of guesses is up in the air.

The game can be altered by the player to suit their tastes. You can customize the game's visual style, disable evil mode, set a timer, and limit the number of letters that can go into a word to six.

Category and Tags

Word Gamestypes of wordlebad wordle wordsten wordlebig wordleeil wordlekiller wordle10 wordles at once

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